New Mariner’s Dashboards

New Mariner’s Dashboards

Check out our new Mariner’s Dashboards for Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, and Kodiak! These dashboards were created to help provide the real-time weather and other information relevant to mariners in a simple and fast display. We started with these three regions...
Want to Work in the Carribean?

Want to Work in the Carribean?

AOOS sister organization, CARICOOS, headquartered in Puerto Rico is looking to hire for two positions, Data Management Coordinator and Chemical Oceanographer.
2022 Yukon River Chinook Run Timing Forecast

2022 Yukon River Chinook Run Timing Forecast

Yukon River Chinook are predicted to arrive on the delta slightly earlier than average in 2022: The first significant pulse (15% point) is expected by June 10th and 50% of the run is expected to have arrived by June 18th. All three established [1] environmental...
Research Cruise Status Updates

Research Cruise Status Updates

Each spring, summer, and fall, numerous research vessels travel through Alaska and Arctic waters. IARPC, federal agencies, and the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) compile planned research expedition dates, planned routes, and research goals. Our hope is that...


AOOS is seeking to fill three roles within our organization: • Ocean Acidification Network Coordinator• Outreach Director• Community Engagement Coordinator Due to their overlapping and synchronous natures, these roles could be filled by one or more employees working...
Happy Retirement to former AOOS Executive Director Molly McCammon

Happy Retirement to former AOOS Executive Director Molly McCammon

Since 2003, Molly led AOOS from a small one-person operation to the largest purveyor of ocean observing data in the vast Alaska Region. Last year, Molly stepped down from being the full time AOOS Executive Director to become a Senior Advisor to the organization to...